
Writing, walking, biking, traveling, gardening...

Emily lives and writes in Tampa, FL with her husband, two daughters, a golden retriever, a grey cat, and a garden full of tropical plants. She loves good books, imaginative people, long walks, lingering over a good meal, hiking in the mountains, lounging on the beach, swimming with manatees, traveling to new places, and turning every corner in anticipation of finding a wonderful story.

Emily is a freelance writer focused on building better, more connected communities, whether that be in schools, travel or gardens. Her writing and editing background focuses on good stories, building better, more connected communities, whether that be in schools, travel, or gardens through sharing real and imagined people’s narratives.

When she’s not reading or writing, she’s walking and biking. She co-founded a non-profit called Sidewalk Stompers, an organization dedicated to getting more children to walk and bike to school. Her goal for her own and all the children her nonprofit serves is the wellbeing that experiencing nature and the time spent outside in your community can give the body and mind.